“I am glad you have arrived! I have been silently waiting for you. ”
Are you at a crossroad in your life, pondering which way to go and not sure whom to take along?
Are you feeling overwhelmed, confused or just struggling more than you’d like?
Are you yelling, exploding, or imploding more often than you’d like to these days?
Are old wounds opening up and creating obstacles in your day to day life?
Have you been told you’re too emotional or not emotional enough?
Are you struggling with ‘adulting’: daily tasks, finances and big plans?
Are you realizing your inner talk is self-doubt, harsh, and often critical?
Are you recognizing that you no longer want certain patterns in your life, perhaps ones that seem out of your control or that are harmful to you or others?
Are you in a relationship cut off and trying to deal and heal?
Is the busyness and constant chase causing you too much stress?
Are you just simply not happy?
Perhaps you’re wanting a change of pace, location or destination.
Perhaps you’re finally in a place in your life where you’re able to reach out for that dream you’ve dreamt so many times before; perhaps you’re ready to work for those goals you seem to never reach, regardless of all the things you’ve tried.
Maybe you’re done with the old struggles, relationship break-ups, career changes, or conflicts with your friends.
Maybe you’ve had help in the past, might have even benefited from it, and now you’re slipping back and returning to old habits.
If any of this sounds familiar, learn how I can help:
“If you don’t heal what hurt you, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you.