I believe our relationships, especially the one we have with ourselves, are keys to our happiness, and my hope is that I could help shed some light on areas which have become strained in your life. Regardless of what life areas are difficult for you right now, we can search and develop new ways of looking at obstacles, and strive to learn new ways at relating with ourselves, our environment, and others around.
I provide individual, couples’ and family therapy, as well as individual, couples, parenting, business, and men’s, women’s, and all genders group coaching.
Counseling and Coaching services are different in the way they address your current situation and challenges. Depending on your goals for our work together, and what’s holding you back from being the best version of you, we can decide which service might be more beneficial to you. Typically, counseling includes more focus on healing difficult past traumas and interactions in order to be able to move forward, while coaching is focused on developing specific goals for the future and being accountable for meeting the steps necessary to achieve the goals you set.
In individual work, I can provide the unconditional support needed in order to safely explore areas in your life that have become challenging. We can focus on specific obstacles and direct our energy towards learning the skills necessary to overcome them and have you be your best version of you. Counseling will include processing past issues that might still be problematic in your life currently. Coaching will help you set specific goals and keep you on the path of moving forward.
If you’re a parent, I can provide you with much needed skills to navigate current issues in parenting, including issues related to social media, stress management, low self-esteem, emotional regulation, explosive, impulsive and addictive behaviors. I can also help you understand your relationship with your adult children and provide you with ideas for improvement if necessary. Counseling might involve processing issues from your own childhood; coaching will focus on changing specific interactions and actively practicing new parenting skills.
Couples can learn new skills of communication and negotiation in order to adjust to all of life’s transitions and additions as well as create a meaningful shared culture focused on safe affection and appreciation for each other. Counseling will involve digging deep in what you’ve each learned from your parents’ relationship; coaching will give you specific skills to practice daily in order to improve your communication and culture.
I create an accepting, inviting environment, where teens can explore ongoing struggles with body image, peer-conflict, sexuality, and experimentation, and I provide researched information and skills in order to help them make educated and healthy decisions in their lives.
Group Coaching sessions provide opportunity for growth specific to your invididual needs in an psychoeducational and accountability group setting. Examples of groups offered are: Interpersonal growth for men/women/all gender, as well as specific topics such as emotional intelligence, collaborative communication, empathy and compassion growth, relationship health, personal health, worth and values alignment. The groups offered are coaching only, not intended for personal counseling process and healing.
Business consulting is focused on creating a culture of belonging, sharing of power and positive interactions with staff members, in order to improve morale, retention, and overall health of the organization. Leaders learn ways to break old power patterns and focus on collaboration, communication and community in their business culture.
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ”