Anca Niculae, LMFT
Worth Based Therapist and Coach
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in CO and WY
Nurtured Heart Approach Advanced Trainer
Gottman Level II
Gottman’s Trauma and Affair
Seven Principals for Making Marriage Work
Personal, Parenting, Marriage and Business Coach
I practice using a holistic perspective, and focus on the connections between mind, body, spirit, relationships and environment. I am on a fluid personal journey to fully understand the conditioning we’ve been exposed in our cultures, from the one in our family of origin, to the societal one, as well as the larger systemic forces. I am here to encourage you to look within and undo anything that no longer serves you and your community.
In our work together, we can address issues concerning your relationships, nutrition and health, work environment, life transitions, emotional regulation, development stages, addictive behaviors, and any other concerning patterns in your life. I am comfortable addressing issues often considered taboo, such as intimacy, sexuality, aging, death, financial, religious or political challenges, and can provide the support needed to overcome difficulties you’re facing in any of these areas.
I work from a systemic intersectional approach, and often utilize skills from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy as well as my trainings in Brainspotting and The Nurtured Heart Approach. Mindfulness, visualization and meditation have been vital parts to my own self-growth and wellbeing, and I often incorporate them into my work with clients, using them from a non-spiritual and non-religious perspective, or incorporating parts of your belief system into the activities. Research shows mindfulness and meditation to be of significant benefit when struggling with issues of anxiety, attention, depression, addictions, relationships, school, work and hobby performance.
I believe in science and its findings, and utilize it in my work in order to create better understanding of our brain development and its impact on our daily lives, as well as how our actions and environment impact our bodies and brains in return. As a result, you will often experience me going on mini lectures about brain physiology, neurochemicals and historical human development patterns. I also believe in the power of non conventional, traditional (or not!) modalities of healing and support; there is room for all and nothing is the only way.
Although I continue to discover my own shortcomings on a daily basis, I strive to listen and be present for clients through an intersectional approach. I have been focusing on dismantling my own inner archaic and harmful systems, and I strive to help others break through theirs in order for us all to function in a more united, power within, to-and-with system in our world.
……..although I’m perfectly capable and more than willing to practice self restraint in my sessions, I do tend to use a whimsical sense of humor, can be very direct and to the point, and often use colorful language as needed, mostly for emphasis and playful punctuation.
……..also. Silence. I believe so much in the power of silence. It will be our most helpful ally and you and I will decide how much and how often we will invite Silence into our healing and growth space. As painful as it can be, it will be ready to join when invited and it will take us places no words or actions can take us to. It will help us heal.
I received my Master’s in Community Counseling: Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Northern Colorado in 2005 and since then, I have worked in the local community with clients of all ages, with various issues, including issues of adolescence, adoption, divorce, phobias, addictions, developmental disabilities, chronic mental illness, legal challenges, challenges of sexuality and gender, and immigration issues.
I am trained in EMDR and Brainspotting, both modes of therapy proven to be beneficial in dealing with trauma, anxiety, addictions and stressful life transitions. I am also certified in The Nurtured Heart Approach, a significant shift in our way of perceiving and living life, thus positively influencing ourselves, our family members, co-workers and friends. I have completed Level II in the Gottman Approach, and am trained in the Seven Principals for Making Marriage Work.
I have worked in the community mental health setting, in an experiential program serving at risk adolescents and their families, in a residential treatment center, as an addiction counselor, as well as a practitioner within a holistic treatment center. I have extensive experience facilitating psycho-educational and support groups for children, adolescents, and parents, and am a firm believer that sharing and receiving support and ideas from others can be one of the most healing acts we can do for ourselves.
I have done business coaching, parenting and dating coaching since 2018, and have enjoyed setting specific personal and organizational goals and timelines and seeing the growth and satisfaction experienced upon their completion.
I was born and raised in Europe and moved to The States as a teenager. I enjoy anything outdoors; I fully believe nature is my most important healer and spiritual guide. I will try most things once and lots of things many times; I love hiking, biking, snowboarding, kayaking and paddling, swimming, and camping. I love learning and immersing myself in different cultures, whether locally or abroad.
Most importantly, I value my relationships; I’m most grateful for my family and friends and wish health, healing and connection for them, as I wish for you and yours, and for all humans.
“We are the same, you and I.
We are images of light.”