What is therapy and Coaching using Telehealth
and how does it actually work?
Telehealth work is a type of servivce where you and I are at different physical locations, and either doing a video session, speaking on the phone, or exchanging written communication.
Telehealth work utilizes an online video and audio platform which enables us to see and hear each other. It is an experience similar to FaceTime or Skype, using an encrypted software for therapy services and Zoom for coaching services. A few minutes prior to our session, you receive an e-mail with an unique, one-time-use video session code, which provides you access to our online session.
Just as in-person services, you receive my full attention the entire time, from the beginning to the end of our video sessions.
What do I need in order to access telehealth Services?
In order to access therapy and coaching via Telehealth, you will need the following:
· A comfortable and private space where you can talk
· Internet-connected desktop, tablet or smartphone
· Webcam or camera on the device (phone audio only can be an option)
Optional for our work together for Brainspotting sessions:
· Two listening devices (Headset/Airpods and desktop speaker)
· Access to Spotify music for use of bilateral sound
Why would I want to consider telehealth?
Telehealth will prove to be especially beneficial to you if you:
· Are alive and doing your best to figure out this human life
· Want to access therapy from the comfort of your own home or office
· Enjoy cuddling with your blankets, four-leggeds or tea mug while talking
· Experience chronic pain and other limiting conditions such as migraines
· Work from home, as a parent or remote office
· Are a busy professional with limited ability to leave the office
· Traveling a great amount of time or living abroad
· Living in an area with limited counseling or coaching options
· Wanting to have sessions but have challenges with being in the same room
· A professional interested in having a counselor who is not local
· Dealing with a health condition which restricts travel
· Having limited or lack of transportation access
· Not a fan of traffic, parking or the changing weather conditions
Therapy and coaching online services might not be the best fit during certain situations, especially during times of active crisis. Coaching clients must have a local therapist if our coaching work brings forth past or current trauma that needs further processing.
You and I will discuss through your specifics, and might decide that meeting someone else in person would be a better fit, or I might refer you to someone closer to your location or with the expertise that better meets your needs.
Per state regulations, therapists must be licensed in the states where their clients are located.
Online therapy with Lifechange Counseling are for Colorado and Wyoming residents only.
“Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time. ”